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FM System Wireless communication systems
- Product description: Wireless communication systems
Product introduction
Wireless communication technology is very common today for a multitude of applications and situations all over the world, whenever communication is in the focus of interest.
An wireless communication system (FM system) for hearing instrument users is consist of four parts: the transmitter, the receiver, and the hearing instrument .
The FM transmitter is worn by the person speaking (e.g. a school teacher or the hearing instrument wearer’s conversation partner), or it is placed in front of the sound source or can be connected directly to an audio source (e.g. TV or CD player).
The transmitter picks up the desired signal and transmits it via radio wave , wirelessly , directly, to the MicroLink receiver attached to the hearing instrument. The sound can be heart clearly by the listener who is wearing the hearing instrument connect to the FM receiver within 100 meters around.
The FM receivers are not only compatible with Phonak hearing instruments, but also with hearing instruments of most other brands and models on the market(the hearing aid e.g.)
Even with the best hearing instruments, most hearing-impaired people notice that they have difficulty hearing in certain situations such as using a telephone, watching television, during a business meeting, or in a restaurant. Using an wireless communication system (FM system) makes communication in all these difficult situations much easier
The FM system can be used in education to the people who has hearing lose, especially for children.